Use the dashboard to get a quick overview over order volume, revenue, reviews, more.
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in to get the following features
Choose a time period to an hour, day, week, month, year and all:.
You'll now get an overview of the following:
- total revenue, in amount
- number of orders
- feedback metics
- average rating, based on a score between 1-5
- positive ratings, in amount
- negative ratings, in amount
- comments, in amount
- button to read comments and see more details
- grand revenue including tips for the time period selected, in amount
- total product sold, in amount
- total tip, in amount
- number of unique guests, in amount
- distribution of recurring and one time guests, in percentage and amount
- average number of purchases per guest, in amount
- average amount spend per guest, in amount
- list of your 20 most and least sold products, with name and units sold.