Fetch orderlines in CSV format for a set of locations in a datetime range.
The datetime range is limited to a 24 hour timespan. Querying for more than 24 hours will yield an empty result set.
Orderlines created between the two dates are returned
Extra lines will be added when an orderline is refunded or discarded. These lines are marked with order_line_status={DISCARDED, REFUNDED}, and have a negative quantity. They will also have a counter_line_id set, which is a unique id for each orderline refunded or discarded.
Get orderlines
Required Scope: prod/transaction
URL (single location):
URL (all authorized locations):
All dates are UTC.
Method: GET
Header: Authorization Bearer access_token
Request Sample:
curl --location --request GET 'https://favrit.com/ws/accounting-api-service/v3/api/orderlines/123?from-date=2023-11-01T00:00:00&to-date=2023-11-02T00:00:00' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
--data-raw ''
Request Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv;charset=UTF-8
B2Y90001;123;Demo restaurant;123;Demo restaurant;150000001;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;REGULAR;ORDERED;;eba678c4-c077-4ade-9972-6abc075ff67e;Demo product 1;1;NOK;215.00;0.25;172.00;43.00;PICKUP;3000;Mat;723aeafe-00cc-4d0f-9c49-0bf96ba123a8;MAIN;ORDER_LINE;some-user@example.com;1;
B2Y90001;123;Demo restaurant;123;Demo restaurant;150000002;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;REGULAR;ORDERED;;eba678c4-c077-4ade-9972-6abc075ff67e;Demo product 1;1;NOK;215.00;0.25;172.00;43.00;PICKUP;3000;Mat;723aeafe-00cc-4d0f-9c49-0bf96ba123a8;MAIN;ORDER_LINE;some-user@example.com;2;
B2Y90001;123;Demo restaurant;123;Demo restaurant;150000003;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;2023-11-01T14:51:53.102628;REGULAR;ORDERED;;eba678c4-c077-4ade-9972-6abc075ff67e;Demo product 1;1;NOK;215.00;0.25;172.00;43.00;PICKUP;3000;Mat;723aeafe-00cc-4d0f-9c49-0bf96ba123a8;MAIN;ORDER_LINE;some-user@example.com;3;
Name | Type | Description | Example |
from-date |
Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Earliest orderline date in UTC | 2023-11-01T00:00:00 |
to-date |
Date format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Latest orderline date in UTC | 2023-11-02T00:00:00 |
Data elements returned
Column |
Comment |
String order_reference |
All items on the same order will have the same order reference. Used to connect different order lines together. |
long order_location_id |
The location id where the order was placed. |
String order_location_name |
The location name where the order was placed. |
long producer_location_id |
The location id where the order was produced. |
String producer_location_name |
The location name where the order was produced. |
long order_line_id |
Unique identifier for the order line. |
String order_line_created_utc |
When the order line was created. |
String order_line_updated_utc |
When the order line was last updated. |
String order_line_status |
Long counter_line_id |
Unique value set when order_line_status is DISCARDED or REFUNDED. |
String order_line_category |
String item_id |
Id of the product. |
String item_name |
Name of the product. |
int quantity |
Quantity of the product. |
String currency |
NOK, SEK, ... |
BigDecimal amount_with_vat |
Amount including VAT. |
BigDecimal vat_percentage |
VAT percentage. |
BigDecimal amount_without_vat |
Amount before VAT is added. |
BigDecimal amount_vat |
Amount_without_vat + amount_vat is equal to amount_with_vat. |
String delivery_type |
String account_reference |
The accounting system reference for the item category. |
String account_name |
The accounting system name for the item category. |
String section_id |
Id of the section the product was ordered from in the menus. |
String section_name |
Name of the section the product was ordered from in the menus. |
String order_line_type |
Long parent_id |
Blank when order_line_type is ORDER_LINE, id of the parent order line when order_line_type is OPTION. |
String order_placed_by |
username of the logged in user placing the order. null for self service orders. |
String table_number |
The table number where the order was placed. Empty when not applicable. |