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Integration with Planday

Use our integration with Planday to transfer revenue data from Favrit to Planday, and efficently set up working shifts.

To enable the integration, you’ll need to have admin access to Planday and make sure you complete Step 1 before moving on to Step 2.

Step 1

  1. In Planday, go to Settings – Reports – Revenue.
  2. Make sure you have at least one Revenue unit set up, if not follow, this guide to understand what it is, and how to set it up: https://help.planday.com/en/articles/3807690-revenue-in-planday

If you’re unable to create Revenue unit in Planday, make sure you have the correct access. Please contact your admin or Planday support if you’re unsure.

Step 2

  1. Make sure you have Product group set up, if not, please follow this guide: https://support.favrit.com/product-groups
  2. Go to Settings – Integration, and select the tab Planday
  3. Click on “Authorize Planday”
  4. Type in the Planday portal (eg x.planday.com) you want to set enable the integration for and make sure to Authorize
  5. Back in Favrit, you’ll be shown a table for Product groups and Revenue units. Map these accordingly
  6. Remember to toogle the Enable/disable integration button and click Save
  7. The first sync will happen the day after you’ve finished the set-up.