1. Support
  2. Contact and Company information

Reporting bugs and feature requests, providing feedback

We really want your feedback on our product and services.

Are you a guest at a restaurant, pub, bar, hotel, event and need help, have a complaint or want to report something?

Contact a staff member at the location to get the best help.

Reporting a bug, error or something not working?

The more information you can give about the bug, the easier it is for us to reproduce, find it and squash it. The following information is often relevant:

  • Name of location.
  • Date and time for when the bug happened.
  • Order reference, name of guest.
  • Device (phone model), operating system version, browser.
  • Screenshots or photos showing the error.

If you found a bug in our system and you want to report it, contact support, preferably trough email. We might ask you more questions after you've reported it.

Suggesting a feature?

You can always suggest that we create new features, both large and small. However, to understand your suggestion better, we often need more information to handle it:

  • Why would you like this feature? What need does it solve for you? Examples workflows are very helpful.
  • Ideally, how would the feature work? On what app/webpage, where and how should this new feature be implemented? Who should use it, when and how?
  • How do you handle it today? What tools or systems fill this need?

Go to our feedback form, or contact support. Expect to be contacted for follow-up questions.

How do we work with bugs and feature requests?

Favrit develops our product every day to make it better for your guests, our customers and the restaurant and hospitality industry as a whole.

When you report a bug or a feature request, we often ask more follow up questions to understand the issue or need better. The more information, the easier it is for us to either reproduce and test an issue, or design a better product overall.

We can't fix everything, at least not at once. Bugs and feature requests are gathered into a system to categorize and prioritize each individual request. The more reports we get for a single bug or feature, the more likely we are to develop it.