Reports: Settlement Reports

Get full overview of sold products, VAT and payment method breakdown in a Excel format

Example report with fictional numbers.

Choose date

Use the calendar to choose a date for the report. The report cycle is from 06:00 to 06:00 local time, which means that you have to select both a from date and to date.

  • To download a report for one day, for example August 20, 2021, you need to select August 20 and August 21.
  • To download a report for a whole month, for example August, you need to select August 1 to September 1.

Information included

  • Location ID and company number.
  • Customer name.
  • Date period.
  • Breakdown of VAT in Net, VAT and Gross, also includes tips.
  • Breakdown of payment methods gross and net, including refunds and payment provider fees. Also calculates any amount captured by Favrit and paid to customer.
  • List of sold products, including
    • their account number (from product groups)
    • quantity (including discounted and free items)
    • serving and VAT
    • net amount
    • VAT amount
    • gross amount
  • Total of all products sold.

Printing and downloading

The report can be downloaded in an Excel (.xls) format. Using Excel or another spreadsheet app, you can export to other formats, such as CSV or PDF.

Download an example report

The example report with fictional numbers from the screenshot is available as a demo report to download.

Favrit Support won't provide you guidance on which product groups to set up, which accounts to use or VAT rates. Learn more.